Grade2: KCFS Journal

English Teacher Kim Shen

  In our KCFS class, we try to combine nonfiction reading with STEAM challenges. Different subjects, such as science, technology, engineering, art and math are included. The purpose of implementing STEAM in class is to prepare the students with sufficient abilities to solve problems in a rapidly changing world. Studies have also shown that there are positive impacts on students’ perceptions towards STEAM if STEAM experiences are provided in their early childhood. (Bagiati et al., 2010; Bybee and Fuchs, 2006; DeJarnette, 2012).

  Our grade one students learned about the sun, and our grade two students learned about the characteristics of the eight planets. The students also read an article, A Trip to Space Camp, and gained some understanding about being an astronaut in space in their English classes. To extend student learning, we decided to explore more about outer space in our KCFS class. We talked about space shuttles and space suits, the galaxy, black holes, and our changing moon.

  When we were learning about the moon, students asked, “does the moon change?” The students tried to relate this question to their life experiences. As a class, they recalled and thought about the moon that they see every night and discussed. Once the students realized that the moon doesn’t really change, we used a video to demonstrate how sunlight is blocked by the moon, making it look different. In class, we modeled the sun with a torch the moon with a ball of string to show the students how the moon blocks the sunlight.

  We also introduced different names of the moon. For example, when we can only see a small part of the moon, it’s called a crescent moon. To further involve students, we had a hands-on activity. The students used clay to model moon phases and arranged them in an orderly way on a worksheet. Finally, they labeled the moon with correct labels. Through this learning process, the students obtained understanding of how the moon works.

  We as teachers do not simply provide the students with the answers that they need to know. We want our students to always try to think about why and how when they look at things. Learning by doing plays a huge role in our KCFS class. We believe that students can learn and gain interests and confidence in learning only when they are fully engaged in their learning experiences.

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